1. Re Fresher Package at S$85.60 - S$128.40
Includes: Consultation, Scaling & Polishing, Stain Removal with Non-Abrasive Stain Blaster
2. Teeth Whitening Package at S$856
Includes: Consultation, 1 Hour In-Office Tooth Whitening, Home Maintenance Kit
3. Implant Package at S$4,494 - S$4,815 per tooth
Includes: Consultation, Oral Examination
Visit http://acumed.com.sg/ for more information and full store listing.
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1. Prices indicated herein include prevailing GST.
2. For appointments & enquiries, please contact 6566 3311& quote ("DBS/POSB").
3. Full payment must be charged in a single receipt to a DBS/POSB Credit or Debit Card unless otherwise stated.
4. Merchants’ terms and conditions apply.
5. DBS makes no warranty or representation as to the quality, merchantability or fitness for purpose of the
Merchant’s goods and services.
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